Resignation Mad-Libs or August 7th - Lynn - Aspoet


2023-05-12 09:46 pm
Dear [insert name of co-worker or supervisor here],

It was [insert positive noun or adjective here] to work with you. I always admired your [insert dubiously positive quality here, be snitty or passive-aggressive if you so wish]. My favorite memory here was the time when [insert vaguely positive memory here; if none, insert successful venture here; if none, indicate that there were too many positive memories to choose just one; or if that even feels too disingenuous, skip directly to next paragraph].

I wish you [circle one or more: prosperity / health / joy / all the best].
[sign name here]

[remember: be POSITIVE! your time here was WONDERFUL! you gained SO MUCH experience! you made TONS of friends! you leave on GREAT terms! the BEST! ]