An open mouth gasps, Hot sauce, parmesan, All I see is stars. No conscious thought, Face agaze in awe, A chicken with no wing, Would it rise or fall? As I concentrate, Stare at a spot on the wall, Eyes; waterfalls, Call off the milk, Call off the salt, My tongue stings, Craters, my teeth sting, An open mouth gasps for these things, A king sits routinely, Being above singing and fearing.
One Cup With One Spice Mix it together It'll taste alright
A beef roast, gravy, toast. Cheese rolls, Heap of potatoes, beans, sea salt, Garlic clove, Garlic clove, Garlic clove.
starry night universe beyond dreams within
Calamity, their hearts dictate, Failures, insanity, Hecate. A spell long for them: Dreams, but at a gamblers pace, Meaning, but then actors change, TV panel games as passion fades, Children, teen, then move away. Tickets to the gamelan races, They own the stadium. What do they say, of man, Their fates? They rarely change. One could sew sequins into thy face, Meanwhile speak of other races, All they would see is a cage, Call their fathers, seethe in rage. Stallions of grazing, High yields, truncation, Stars in amazement, What feels like salvation? A path of slave labour, Tired people, consumption, That's how I feel. Everyone has their favorite battlefield, Next to their cross with their name. The spell longest for anyone, Man and his grave.
espresso bean in the espresso machine located here in the mezzanine we serve your drinks with sweetness and cream a fountain of everlasting caffeine. espresso bean in the espresso machine and not just coffee, we also serve cuisine! the chocolate brownie is a hit with the teens huddled together near the register screen. espresso bean in the espresso machine here the noise is quite serene amidst those coming and going, a calm in-between come on over! help set the scene! espresso bean in the espresso machine week after month, to form a routine yet the tasks of today remain unseen ‘tis the life of those on the library team.
Vape life, they scream, into the ether inhaled. God's favored child, prophecy in their veins, Perfectly sculpted face, one that time changes, Poignantly, he learns too late: Life is always cloudy when you're vaping, Love doesn't come find you, you chase it, Addicts only love you when you embrace them, Gillette will only love you if you're shaving.
Snyder, my love. Be fire, Be tyrants, Be spiders or vipers, Lions or Tigers. Whether climate, or giants, Highland or island. Even cliffs to climb, Forever, higher and higher. Even if frightened or tired, Jalapenos, cheese, honey, mustard, Hot sauce, ranch. What is pious and righteous, I would face fury of unarmed combat, Against gunfire, to have you again.
Amounts, they screamed, amounts, Seemingly all they knows about. Amounts, a mouth, beatings. Even just, if by the brow, Cow steps on the mouse, Like a man steps on a mount. Echoes, couch downstairs, This is my house, GET OUT! Narrowing in the mind, cowers Like an arrows path forward, Like time, straight, downward. Dance, doubt, awkward bow, Applause amounts, doubt, Can a mouse hear the sound? Leers, liquors, in various amounts. In the end, a mouse needs cheese. A cow needs many more things, Succumbs to meandering about the fence, Outside of this, they find no peaceful crowd. People of the ground, fearing clouds, fearing now, Cowards that fear when you speak and shout, Cows teaching which they know nothing about, Why should a mouse throw spears at the clouds? Zeus and Venus, Why would they fear if I step on a mound, kneel, Bow or two step around it? Are they cowards like me?
Portend, ship, Potato, chip. I like my broker, If he buys the dip.
Atlas reaches, Earth teeters, Who cares who stares beneath. Apples, peaches, pears, kiwis: Tree, what are seed to thee? Tree, what are seeds to be? Blue, what does it mean, to be Green? Views beyond what one has seen. Speed, a pace, to place them at the peak, Then recede, what decides its meaning? Perhaps at the roots, the soil is gleaning, But at the root, a house teeters, Tepid falling upon the cedar greens, Of course, Of no fault to me, I feel. Accepted outcomes of little dreams, Confused with death, drift out to sea.
to stop what you are doing and beg in a different way than before for a chance to change; to cause a beginning, a genesis to start anew in a parallel version of your life where you have finally shaken off the slumber, opened your eyes to start a new journey but can it truly be a blank slate if the dust from the eraser still chokes the air?
away from work is time for family away from family is time with myself away from myself is time to write away from writing is time to work
All the gold, silver and jade, Costs, at which attained, All the wars, tanks, and planes, Casts a shadow, twice the grave. Born a slave, no faith, he screams: I have no face, continues aimless. Castle, your prince awaits.
I smear vaseline in the corners of my mouth with a cotton swab to seal the cracks that are carved there from smiling too wide from laughing too loud from speaking my mind. I smudge the nails on my hands with paint, pearlescent and pink to keep from moving to keep from creating to keep from fully living. I confine myself to an apple and egg whites each day to mold by body into what I see in waiting room magazines into what it was when I was a child into something impossible. how futile, it seems, to meter my joy, to suppress the wind. because, when one tries to obstruct what rightfully will pass, it gains strength, channels down one slim canyon, and blows everyone away.
I dreamt indifferently, Subtly smiling at each move, Waves deferentially, That was my heaven. Of pictures and frames, Eventually they go away, Like fitness and pain, Jazz, age, dates and faces, Soon again, time changes. Honey, everlasting joys. One does destroy bees, Sees, consumes, avoid. Like nothing, voice fleeting, Screaming into the void, Lonely, an ocean destroys me.
Paper, mind racing; April, outside rain; Days, time, pain. Trial, minor inheritance, Inside raging, vain, Water droplet pacing. Lies, decadence, Left in the sunset. Am I adept? Think, look back. Flies in everything, Trying anything, I, tried everything. Trial, cherry picking, Many years, Their meaning? A small committee, Press, briefings: Ideas discrete, Their leanings. Where is the time for healing?
A cypher for poets and authors: Simple science, titled novel, A game, decoded by tyrants, After speaking, what is laughter? A bird sings to his father: After flying, what is higher? Looks to the sky for answers.