

2023-01-11 06:09 pm
A rabbit runs free, in the past,
Toward nothing it finds meaning.
Fish of streams, pivot teeth,
Laughter, tongue chatter, sea.
By the brine they find peace,
And man, king of beasts.

Man forms groups, 
Parts in two, like lips,
The bartender and you.
Glass tightly in a grasp,
Like a woman's clasp,
Like a rabbit in a trap,
Wiggle dance, calls,
Nobody calls back.

Like man, cash advanced,
Wiggle dance, calls,
Calls, nobody calls back.
That man can run like a rabbit,
Dance like a rabbit,
Hears like a rabbit,
Fears the language of diagrams,
Candles and passwords.
He describes freedom, devoid of it's traps,
Talking about assholes out of sadness and anger.

He tries to understand, too foolish in banter,
Expanding his mind with standards that matter,
His reaction barely examined, rather managed,
Inside he feels his wiggles, the dance begins,
What can exist, he thinks as a passing thing,
Kicks and springs his feet, never hears a ring.




2023-01-07 08:58 pm
Octopus language—
a liquid whisper to fish.
You would never know.

Artificial dream
made for a lonely machine.
Logical blunder.

These glimpses of you,
neither invention nor collapse
would be more lonely.

Condense your rival knight
into red and a warning
under your shoes.

Plasma forms a line.
Boundary between light and
liquid given up.

Turquoise milk
mixing into my porridge.
Daily occurrence.




2023-01-05 06:49 am
Sickle swing into the grass, 
Thinking of pictures, gifts,
Hoping they still persist,
Hopes for more than past.
Head in the clouds, riddles,
Under his cap, a fickle thing.

Sickle swing the earth and drag,
He touches her breasts and legs,
Permitting his heart fleeting
To consider something risqué.




2022-12-29 08:48 am
He coughs, feels the black ink on his palm
If he cast speech, a last kiss on her lips, 
All his faults and all her resolve.
He calls it god but his heart does not,
He has simple, economic thoughts,
of films, of myths, he knows little of.




2022-12-22 03:17 am
Trying to break free, like a caterpillar.
The feeling is of great joy and relief,
Like a child being born, finally feels.
Acronyms describe the experience,
He became, "I", in the moment,
Realized, in his essence, Idyllic,
His dreaming was all he was.
Heart curls into a ball,
Wraps himself in yarn,
Forgets the thoughts that haunt him,
It doesnt solve wants or give cause,
But he explodes in vivid color,
Looking like an inexpensive car,
He flies fast to escape the closing walls. 




2022-12-21 04:00 pm
Knowing few truths, too youthful, choose,
No use for rules, too poor for morals.
Two views, both fools, accuse,
Loose tongues ruin their world.

Must they struggle and fight all their lives?
Into groups, they divided themselves, 
Absolute truths and nonsense,
Both destroyed by their own kind.
Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? 
Is any suffering like their suffering?

They copulate and make offspring,
Die, their children die, their children die,
While they're still alive they mate,
Great minds think alike, again,
And again generations later they fight



AI poetry

2022-12-19 04:47 am
There are chunks in that soup, and cubes,
Mashed potatoes in there somewhere too.
All around me, the café's chatter:
The onion has a story to tell
And the broth, of course, is not merely gone,
It has been completely transformed.
In the shadow of the dark glass,
I see my friend's eyes smile at me.
 My sister has written this poem
 As a way to explain something
 She cannot easily say aloud.
 After the last stanza,
 She writes the line "We never lose our past selves."

This poem is an Articial Intelligence re-interpretation of "Flesh, Pt 1" by Gordon Haggerty.




2022-12-14 05:28 am
Flesh under my fist, skin bare,
Hair at my boots as I stomp and kick,
Blood at the end of my tongue,
My world is all that is.

Lotus of petals, abundant.
The manager says, like it is in the front.

They just happen to be dead ones,
Laced in platinum and cobwebs.
Eyes for war and other nonsense, 
That their soul be unintentionally dragged in,
Pious to only whores and other men.




2022-12-14 05:27 am
French onion soup, art and skill,
Cheese on top as I part my lips.




2022-12-09 03:01 am
In his future he sees tired coughing,
The seer mundane usually finds nothing,
Only peering back upon seared meat,
Apparently to be, or feel something.

In his mind, he wishes to be someone,
See his sums upped, feel unusual.
He is detached, however, like Buddha,
But he has an even broader usage.

Once again he peers into the ether,
He sees himself equal and decent,
Sears at the breathing creature,
Fears his lack of freedom.
"Coward", he screams,
"Coward", he casts his disease.
Pulls from inside himself, meaning.

He sees his reflection again in the mirror, 
Breathing heavily into the air, at first,
But eventually he cried with realization.



AI poetry

2022-12-07 04:31 am
The wind whispers to my skin,
It's like it speaks with every breath.
As if it has been calling out for my presence,
Waiting to see the face behind this mask.
So far it has shown nothing but disdain,
And I wonder if I have anything left to give.

In darkness I wander,
With nothing but my memories
Falling, falling, falling.
Where once I saw light now lies only gloom,
And I know that it has gone.
For those who wish for rest, I have none
Though I'd give up what I have, for one more.
But it's too much now, I can't move my hands,
I just want to sleep...
(My memory, it fades)
In the dark, with nothing to grasp,
The memories that I hold so dear
Fall away from me like they were never there.
And I feel as though I will fall into madness,
Like the very world is crumbling beneath my feet,
That everything is crashing down,
I fear I cannot stand the weight.
(I'm fading)
I just want to sleep...
(My memory, it fades)
I'm afraid I've gone and made a fool out of myself again,
I knew you wouldn't understand my reason,
And now you're not talking to me at all,
You see I didn't mean to let your memory fade,
It's like I was being pulled away by another force,
Something I didn't mean, something I can't control,
I don't even know why I'm still here...
I don't know why I'm still here.
I should leave this place, I know it's wrong,
I shouldn't be here in your mind,
I can't help the way that I am,
I don't know why I'm Super Mundane,
I can't stop feeling so low,
I'm afraid it's already too late.

I didn't mean to let you slip away,
But the thought of losing you just doesn't sit right,
To keep you awake and alive,
I need you here, I'm not alone,
Without you here with me I can't go on,
I don't know why I'm Super Mundane,
I don't know why I'm still here.
I didn't mean to let you slip away,
I just can't shake this feeling,
That something inside of me is broken,
I don't know why I'm Super Mundane,
I don't know why I'm still here.

This poem is an Articial Intelligence re-interpretation of "Super Mundane" by TheSoftSophist



AI poetry

2022-12-07 04:15 am
Towards evening, the island's in silhouette,
Dark trees line the beach and the cliffs at water level.
Ripples of light ripples shimmer on the sea.
Distant whales make a low moan or grunt.
Anchor chain groans and creaks from the boat.
They sit in silence, then share a long kiss.
Beside them the ship rocks gently on the waves.
The captain draws a sigh as he drinks his ale.
Then down into the darkness, the depths,
To where the sharks prowl, where the dolphins swim,
Where the whales sing their songs.
And the hunters will go to find them.
Whale hunt, that's what it was about,
The whale, the whale. The hunt, the hunt.
What did you want?
Just something to do.

This poem is an Articial Intelligence re-interpretation of "A Handfull of Pennies" by Gordon Haggerty




2022-11-29 10:02 am
Phalanx, already made plans with Ahab.
Enemies, whales , their emails: 'save as'.
Eventually their money exchanges hands,
A ribcage cracks, a heart swells so thick.

Revenge, already made plans, rain dance,
Polearms for the bad man, stained glass.
Both man and animal inevitably acquiesce,
The old barn will fall upon the sand.




2022-11-25 08:44 pm
As the fists hits the pavement, he changes
'Ignorance' he cries as he flails.
He denies what he feels and streams cable,
Internet and escapes what is real.
He is afraid of it, greatness, fame,
So he spends a lifetime playing.

C minors and B major, sustain,
Weeks later he liberates them,
Showing what a monster can be.




2022-11-24 12:02 am
She cried too late, she surmises,
Where the water hits the sky she relates,
Relating further as the distance gains,
Relationships were never her game.

Decisions in haste are still decisions made,
Whether the bars bend makes no difference,
You still lived in a cage.

She is indivisible from a man, 
She decides in a rage,
This divides her, divided in half, her life changes.
Her children are the product of mistakes.

She cried too late, she surmises.
Famine, she decides. 
Pestilence, plague, flames,
Venom from the viper's fang,
Which she places upon the lambs that wail.

Take me away, she whispers to nobody there.
Take me away, she formally dresses, playing,
Addressing her former self, she was taken away,
Far from the pain that she feels everyday




2022-11-09 03:21 am
Water that vanishes with time,
Pull my teeth and tongue with pliers,
Wrap them in the pages of the bible,
Leave the rest for God to divine.

Cries from a driver: silence.
It's final, an eyelid covers the iris,
Water never vanishes with time,
Darkness, it replaces the fire.




2022-11-09 03:21 am
Head full of ideas, webs, spiders.
When you see the light fled from,
Like paycheques full of diamonds,
Like lions, saying their cash is final,
Is being right worth all the fighting?

Met the right girl, at the wrong time,
Never mind huh? Move on in life?
Plagues for the day,
Pestilence for the nights.

You are the lion, You are the tiger,
You are the decider, designer,
Provider of delightful things,
Fragrance of oil and spices, 
Sweeter than any type of trees.




2022-11-09 03:20 am
An explosion, two million boats,
Less than a third vote. 
'oh, the problem, is they lack common goals"
The rest boast, but it was about the same before.
The belly distends, the body groans,
Inside you would hope the innards grow,
But they don't.
Their parents croak, clear the bones,
Inside you would hope for inner growth,
But instead they find more civil wars,
Complain of the guy next door,
To the grocery store, government and local media,
Instead of getting to know.

