Green, along patio frames, Garnet sees it as home, Blue sees it as being alone, Raspberries, being absorbed. Pierre to Marie, Canoes, or ferry? Whatever floats. But blue upon blue? I had higher hopes, Like you were alchemy in war.
Red, race runner. Race winner, Hair, face makeup, Gray silver. A sliver of hope, please, The world cometh. Great singers, they say, Have a way with words, Do they listen to yours? When they read mine, I expose their inside. Cinnamon rolls, She eyes the icing, When she listens to me, Her head is cocked back, As if she died. She says, Cinnamon rolls are fine, Beige aside. Change, paper kites, Beyond lime green basement lights, Confirmation of rights. Like what a child encased in white, Could possibly look like? Red, less waste of time.
Rose gold chrome horns, Like cardboard clothes, Cold, associates sorrow, Unworn, uneven tomorrow. So bow your head forward, Lift yourself up, divide me whole. I stand naked before you, Like I play with hands both, Like I tap, dance, as a show, I do for all you know, I suppose. Upon her form, both hands, Avacado toast, buttery bread, Guitar solo overtop the prose, Alcohol in her mouth, floor, Softcore porn, popcorn snow, Relationships in rondo form. I just wish I knew something more.
Red coral, white bands, Windmill motions, Arms moving forward, If you get in the way, I'm waiting for you. Healing potions in both my hands. Pink coral, line graph, One day the ocean... For now, whatever passes. Yakub like arrangements, Only I divide you in half, Led Zeppelin she says, Is her favourite band. But she loves Taylor swift and Robert Plant. Red coral, white bands, White flags, white magic. Let go of my hand, she says, She needs a wise man, Not one coveting red. You'll get in the way, I'm moving forward, Text messages sent. White Coral, White mask, While to dress, only black. And all the red is gone, I guess...
Maroon, like red in the sea, Darkness: blue and green. Hardest to reach, Harder to please, Wanton to breathe. I feel like water through beans, Merely used, to clean. Maroon, red in the sea, Water is actually all I see. Refuse to leave, Refuse to see, Refuse to kneel. Amateur poet, do you hear me, What languages do you speak?
Another brick, another career, Unending abyss and suffrage. Red licorice and tungsten, Tongue intolerant to suffering Another controversial film. Tongue in awe of everything, A person's skin, drugs, and shit, A couple of drinks, anything. From the corrupted, crimson, Flutter of bird wings, doves, Miracles and gifts, Not subversive intents. Percussion until, Succussion, until, Sloven, summons me. If you want proverbs I will, Certain colors are green, And some never will be. Another person's dreams, Shouldn't matter to a murderer, But what for do you kill, Stab and maim?
Chestnut, voices, Gone are the old days, Better choices, Monochrome planes. Upon canvas the mind paints, Scarlet the shade, Far from water and rain. Gone are the old days, Fire took the farm. Childhood sweethearts, I could be wrong, But fire looks good, to us all, When it's on a smaller scale, But on canvas or stage, Fire, has no proper place. Soon you'll see, things gone away, I could be wrong, fire looks good, When upon a crown and on a face. Maybe one day you'll see these things, Not the sullen, lonely greys.
What do all men have in common? Red, rattling armor, Ass and breasts in their dogma, Actions in concert. I suppose it's my problem... Like cinnabar bath water, and fear of god. What do all red have in common? Whatever shade, inside they want. Blue reflects poorly upon, Such asks their goddess. Chris Adler stamps his feet, Sick, he begs for his bottles, I suppose it's Travis Barker's problem...
Red, rabbit owner. Filler of the holes, Horror, else. Where do rabbits run? Back to holes themselves... Answers of importance Over Hammond organs, Hare, over tortoise. Whether or not, She understood my poems. Every time the rabbit runs, It ends between cardinal shoulders.
What is blue all the way through? Very few things, one of them you. Just like neighbourhood maples, Who grew oversea, good natured, Booked a flight, made into paper. What's new? I changed, too... All the way to the roots. Well, a limb moves, the ring too, The tip of which is turning blue, What cures the sickness of wealth? Very few things, among them death, Worse is truth and active dis proof. Spruce and denim, Jus, ad bellum, In the end, they feel something too. Just not what the majority do. Red right to wage fights like war, Just as much as the admiral's blue.
Calm wind after someone has died, The distance, is inner turmoil, One, it takes a lifetime to fight. That's why there is blue in the sky. The yellow and red still exists, Hidden by tricks in the mind. Like, Somewhere inside, I believe you are still mine, All I see is the thing you're like. It's like a room of three pipes, I can always stay high, But how, does one fight to stay? They pick low and live life. Despite the teal, I see the skies, What is real? Me, and all my desires, Despite the sequins, I see the light.
Simply tell me, Simply tell me, Simpleton, weed, Between clenched teeth, Tension of three, from one. Petty... Pretty periwinkle. You wash your hands of disease, You never wash your hands of me. Like Adam kissed Eve, Rustling leaves, in the city, Not at the extremes. And make believe is more for cocaine users, Not people like me, Explore as many worlds as you see, You'll find in the end the colors are three. Plus, It might seem petty, But your shade is ultramarine. And it's shady people like you, That changes people's creed, Like a stringed needle, Pulled straight through teeth, It's not the pain they fear, It's the permanence you seek.
Despite the evocation, Reduction, reprisal, Draw a circle, Around my face, eyes, nose. Triangle, circles, about my square, Protection from inside my head. I've seen males drag knuckles, on their floor, faith and culture. Their minds warped, images of war, For what did they fight? Rights, to remove the guy ropes, Scrape pavement with claws at night. Tools of change, Use of space, Use of names, True and sage. Despite the evocation, Things change. Diana wrote little of cages, Ropes below.
Blue, vampire bat, I feel like that at times, Lies about my fangs, Silver metallic, Azul and cyan, Tired, of sky high tricks. I guess that's why I am, Grown men cry, surely, But then grown men die, Weapons about their side. Head held high, my friend, Surely, we will meet again, No shame in dying to a man. Right? Azul and cyan, In sake of blue, give me white. Am I doomed, to be a beast? Who bites? Well, then why alongside them, Question the carmine reds? All I want is life, beyond that, Perhaps azul and cyan.
Blue, green, In between, To me? It's everything. But they only see through me, Shield to shield, grit teeth, Never can I achieve peace. It never appealed to me, Supposedly. But, little does, Just a few blue themes. So, to routine... For you, more meaning. Cold reading: "horses, leeches". Vernacular dances, In between: Lavender, Lapis, Cerulean. Javelins, catchers, In between: Distance, anger, Foolishness. But, that's not how they saw me. Target practice, fresh meat, Free of lines like double basses, Yet to see it's own selfish strings. Yet, upon a blue sky, I fly and sing.
Blue, pale sky. What did I miss? The sale price? The halfway line? Brick by bloody brick, They desalt mines. Did you just move away, Get killed, then live again, Just to shiver in place, Wither and die? Were you better off hunting diamonds? Forgive my writing, And erotic sins, For which upon this wit I build. Always right, Above, they fly, Always white, Always wine. Blue cranes from blueprints, Selfish, and high.
Ballet shoes, champagne flutes, Game room hue suede blue, Cocktails offstage too. Maybe I'll leave the wave pool, Establish new trade routes, Maybe not, who knows? Bottles for now though. Broadway too, Wet roots, wrestling boots. Scale teeth need scraping through. But, The veiled truth is you wade, Life is a swamp, They lie, Blue in the face, Tell you it's not that way. Broadway, grey hues, Costumed plays, Or he borrows like hooped snakes. Babe, that ain't for you, It's not for anyone with a brain.
I wish I had just spawned in, Forget what I saw before death. In the end, I'm done with fights, Aquamarine, unto the skies. Blue after, and until midnight. I have between Ral, Tal, About what is right. God of the Sun, In the end. For you, insight. Racoons, fire, Costumes, liars. In the end, Just to win like them. I just want, to feel whole again, Like I had one hundred lives, Blue painted wall, sofa bed.